Assassin's creed liberation psp
Assassin's creed liberation psp


However, a hacker named “Citizen E” goes in and unlocks Aveline’s true memories for you. But as she grew, Aveline saw the plight of the slaves and was mentored into the Assassins’ brotherhood.


After her father freed Aveline and her mother from slavery, she was raised in the lap of luxury. The game stars the series’ first female protagonist, Aveline de Grandpré, who is the daughter of a French business owner and an African mother. The story premise is still Liberation‘s best feature. Protagonist Aveline feels just a touch too big on screen and the field of view just slightly off. Moreover, the game’s scope seems specifically designed for having a small screen close to your face. The draw distance in the game is often compromised and animations in the game (while often good looking) can seem canned and limited. That said, there are still a host of issues left over from the portable version. Ubisoft reworked these sequences from top-to-bottom and they are, for the most part, far closer to the sequences in AC III and AC IV than the original version. The game also looks fantastic in story sequences. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below.

Assassin's creed liberation psp